
The TA007P Digital Totem belongs to the same Series as the award-winning Wingsys interactive table. This model maintains all the characteristics of the TA007 group, but with vertical orientation. With award-winning design and quality, it is the ideal solution to disseminate information in a captivating and interactive way or can be used as hardware for digital signage software. It can be customized in terms of colours or logos.

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Pedido de Orçamento Gratuito

Model description

The TA007P Digital Totem belongs to the same premium family as the Wingsys TA007T interactive table, maintaining all the characteristics of the TA007 group, but with vertical orientation.
Its award-winning design is attractive and elegant and its applications can be very diverse. It is perfect for disseminating interactive information or supporting digital signage software.
This Digital Totem can be customized to fit the requirements of each purpose, either in terms of colours or logos.

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+4.700 customers who trust us

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+65.000 interactive solutions implemented

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